No pen, no ink, no table, no room, no time, no quiet, no inclination.

-James Joyce-

Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

How You Should Read A Book

How You Should Read A Book

There’s no bad book, you can’t open up a book without learning something, it gives you: what you should, and you shouldn’t; what you have to take or avoid; you can agree and disagree and so on. Read books doesn’t mean you become a genius or something, but can be sure it make you feel stupid, and its good, and its imposible that you’re more stupid than those who doesn’t read a book. There’re no smart people without read books, if we take visit to Churchil, Tesla, or Hemingway’s house, we might wonder at their bookshelf how our head can retain so much books. Its good to have books, and good too if you can surrounded with them, its make you ashamed if you don’t have interface with them. If you seek for some hobby, its good investment spend your time on books, its an adventure, journey, diving, lost, travelling. Here’s some I share my thought how we choose books significant to read. 
Who are you? Are you student, kids, mom, dad, college guy, or grandpa sitting on the porch all day, depressed man, fall in love teenage. There’s no boundaries around us for what should we read no matter who we are, but its important to know your need first. Im a college student in finance, and if I ask my friends about “how economic crisis in 2008 could happened?” most of them would almost certainly reply “shit! Who cares, it’ll not asked in exam, is that happen? How? I don’t know”, that’s the point, we don’t read much, we’re not discovering, we’re searching for what we told to, we’re not learning, we’re browse fot task, we’re solve problem after problems not a professional that have understand the upcoming problems. Its important to mastered our textbooks as student, find also a guidance for the books, and moreover is significant to hand history, philosophy, case, and religion books concerned your faculty. If you’re a mom its kind to have prescription, child, mother books; if youre kids good to read Lewis Carol or Dr. Sues and so on, we need to know what we need. As well, read books about what your passion on, if you love travelling, read books about places you want to visit; if you a poet read Oscar Wilde, Tennyson, Whitman; If youre a blogger, read journal, read anything from proper resource; or anything, you should dig your passion more and good books is trusted basis.
Know your taste, improve it, I know we cant judge anyone’s taste, but excuse me, taste define a lot in life, a mom will not cook fries rice if her kid vomit cause the smell of it . Tell it, There’s never been Beatles if Paul and John never listen to elvis’s Heart Break Hotel, what if they put their taste and passion in jazz rather than rock n roll.  We spent our childhood in comics book, we’ve learn enough from them, as an adult is awkward if we’re not move on to more serious books, open your mind. Its not fair I know, as well as we mock at twilight and justin bieber fan, we’ll find very contrast between twilight fan and Hitchcock fan, bieber fan and Led zeppelin fan, that’s also happen on books. Be wise, what do you think your lecture used to read? Is it teenlit, beach romance, comic? That would be sounds kidding. Name it Obama’s taste in books: Obama's favorite works are Song of Solomon, Moby Dick, Shakespeare's tragedies, Parting the Waters, Gilead, “Self-Reliance,” and the Bible. When asked in an interview which books had touched his life, he cited the “wonderful book”Gandhi’s Truth, by Erik Erikson. E.L. Doctorow and William Shakespeare are his favorite authors. As a high schooler seeking to clarify his own racial identity, Obama looked for answers in the works of James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, and W.E.B. Du Bois. You’ll find very defferent kind of people among those who read books and others inappropriate sources as their knowledge resource; amongs defferent taste in books. Well, overall, we have a defferent aim in reading a book, I watched every movie adapted from Nicholas Sparks’ too, hahahaha, but it is serious that taste is important, read books that makes you deep and brainy better that read books that gives you fancy.
Get reference, get good book, check the lists, they who make the list are not for a joke, they do research and polling. Check list of best, most celebrate, and must-read books from several popular magazine, modern library, Harvard classics and so on, there’s dozens appropriate list you can check. Stop picking book you want to read randomly, check the the review on it from magazine or public famous figure, author’s profile, their record, is they ever won an award, is their previous book celebrated or somekind, and in addition, some publisher has a trend, they usualy only publish some particular books, check books rating on goodread, its kinda imdb for books. Read books which has best selling emblem on it, a book has the “bestselling” mark not because its author appear on TV 5 times a day, but because lots of people read it, if people read it, you should read it too, stop avoiding mainstream thing, be wise, if it is good its good, and I think reading book nowdays has become unmainstream, haha. Read book that the other book mention/suggest you to read, or your good friends/teachers/lecture/your favorite author suggest to, they also know about you and relate with the book you may like and fit in. Read book which has memoriable and famous character in it. Read books mentioned in lyric, other books, poetry and anything. Read book that your following keep tightly posting on social media quotations from the book they read. Read again book that makes significant changes in you and your life. Read book about thing you absolutely don’t know about. Read book that makes your friend cry. Just keep reading.

Don’t be immovable, open your mind, reading books is good, its teach and give you something new to learn, treasure it, you’ll be just fine, you might lost but is good to be lost, its just defferent kind of tools to discover and learn new way. This some quotations if you still not believe me, haha:
“Of all things, I liked books best." -Nikola Tesla
'Dreams, books, are each a world; and books, we know,/ Are a substantial world, both pure and good.' ―William Wordsworth
"Reading was, of course, a great help—it stirred, delighted, and tormented me." ―Fyodor Dostoevsky
"What was our victory? A book, a book without loneliness." -Pablo Neruda
'Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read all.' ―Henry David Thoreau
'Books... with luck, turn into the best friends we have in the world.' ~Virginia Woolf
"The true university of these days is a collection of books." ―Albert Camus
'Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life.' (F. Pessoa)* ~Library of the Convent of Mafra (Portugal)
'Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather and a little music...' —John Keats
"Long--long I read... Rapidly and gloriously the hours flew by, and the deep midnight came." ―Edgar Allan Poe
"If a book is new, it smells great. If a book is old, it smells even better." ―Ray Bradbury's library office
"I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." ―C. S. Lewis
"If loneliness is the disease, a book is the cure." (Richard Ford). -Library Parliament of Canada
'A book is really like a lover. It arranges itself in your life in a way that is beautiful' -Maurice Sendak

       And here's some list and websites you maybe wanna check:

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